Fotografie Gariannonum

Roman fort, Burgh Castle, Norfolk od Baz Richardson (now away until 1st July)

At Burgh Castle in Norfolk, just a couple of miles from Great Yarmouth, are the substantial remains of a Roman fort dating from the 3rd century AD. It is one of nine substantial "Forts of the Saxon Shore" built to help defend Britain from raids by Saxon invaders from Germany. This fort, which is believed to have been known as Gariannonum, was large enough for between 500 and 1,000 foot soldiers or 500 mounted soldiers and their horses. Three walls of the rectangular-shaped fort remain. The fourth, overlooking the River Waveney, has fallen into the marshes.
Gariannonum je turistická atrakce, jeden z Starověké římské pevnosti v Belton, Velká Británie . To se nachází: 520 km Londýn od, 730 km Birmingham od, 810 km Brusel od. Číst dál
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