Fotografie Fort Craig

Image taken from page 63 of 'Die Rosenauer Burg ... Mit 12 Abbildungen' od The British Library

Image taken from: <strong>Title</strong>: &quot;Die Rosenauer Burg ... Mit 12 Abbildungen&quot; <strong>Contributor</strong>: GROSS, Julius - Writer on Transylvania and KUEHLBRANDT (Ernst) <strong>Contributor</strong>: KUEHLBRANDT, Ernst. <strong>Author</strong>: Verein für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde (SIBIU) <strong>Shelfmark</strong>: &quot;British Library HMNTS 10210.ff.11.&quot; <strong>Page</strong>: 63 <strong>Place of Publishing</strong>: Wien <strong>Date of Publishing</strong>: 1896 <strong>Issuance</strong>: monographic <strong>Identifier</strong>: 003376384 <strong>Explore:</strong> Find <a href=";doc=BLL01003376384&amp;dscnt=1&amp;scp.scps=scope:(BLCONTENT)&amp;frbg=&amp;tab=local_tab&amp;srt=rank&amp;ct=search&amp;mode=Basic&amp;dum=true&amp;tb=t&amp;indx=1&amp;vl(freeText0)=003376384&amp;fn=search&amp;vid=BLVU1" rel="nofollow">this item in the British Library catalogue, 'Explore'.</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Download the PDF for this book (volume: 0)</a> Image found on book scan 63 (NB not necessarily a page number) Download the OCR-derived text for this volume: <a href="" rel="nofollow">(plain text)</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow">(json)</a> Click <strong><a href="">here</a></strong> to see all the illustrations in this book and click <strong><a href="">here</a></strong> to browse other illustrations published in books in the same year. <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Order a higher quality version from here</a>.</strong>
Fort Craig je turistická atrakce, jeden z Zříceniny v Craig (historical), Spojené státy americké . To se nachází: 494 km Albuquerque od, 650 km El Paso od, 660 km Ciudad Juárez od. Číst dál
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