Fotografie Cave of Letters

Fingal's Cave, Staffa od Rosa Menkman

Around 500 AC, st. Columba, a monk who exiled himself from Ireland because of his "war of the book" - a war between him and the Irish king about a book he copied secretly - used Fingal's Cave on Staffa to contemplate "the eternal, hexagonally jointed basalt columns, sprouting from the graves of ancient, enlightened Celtic monks." When around 521 AC the Vikings came, they killed of all the monks around Staffa and Iona. St. Columba hid the book in the cave just in time. When the Vikings were finally vanquished, some of the book was recovered but not all of it. From the remnants a new language sprung, known as Gaelic. Gaelic only uses 18 letters, the 6 missing letters are still hidden deep inside the cave. Today Fingal's Cave is known for its acoustics. I believe it's because the cave sings with 6 extra letters.
Cave of Letters je turistická atrakce, jeden z Jeskyně v Ein Gedi, Izrael . To se nachází: 245 km Ammán od, 750 km Damašek od, 830 km Bejrút od. Číst dál
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