Fotografie Grímsvötn

Eyjafjallajökull Waterfalls od CalUrbanist

<a href="">Another remote island</a> may be more famous for its volcanoes -- the names for different types of lava are Hawaiian (e.g., <i>pahoehoe</i>, or smooth lava) -- but few places have more <a href="" rel="nofollow">frequent eruptions</a> than Iceland. Eyjafjallajökull is the volcano that shut down European air traffic in 2010; the next year, planes on the continent were almost grounded again by another eruption 90 miles east, at Grímsvötn. Volcanoes are the source of much of Iceland's dramatic scenery, including the waterfalls spilling over the cliffs on the west and south sides of Eyjafjallajökull, along the Ring Road on the south coast.
Grímsvötn je vodou zaplavená sopečná kaldera nacházející se na Islandu, pod severozápadní stranou ledovce Vatnajökull. Spolu s Heklou patří k nejaktivnějším sopkám ostrova - naposledy vybuchla v letech 2004 a 2011.{{Citace elektronické mon... Číst dál
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