Fotografie Eiffelova věž

Eiffel Tower GigaPixelized!! (Paris) (Zoom Inside) od Anirudh Koul

Sorry Eiffel Tower, I had to Giga Pixelize you. A gigapixel is 1 billion pixels! or 1000 Mega pixels. To put it in context, most cameras in the market are around 8 Mega pixels. <b>Open the image here and zoom in </b>: <b><a href="" target="_blank">Eiffel Tower GigaPixelized</a></b> <b>How it was made</b>: The image was constructed with about 230 zoomed-in photographs with overlapping portions . To prevent differences in shade, colour and focusing, the shutter speed, aperture, focus, ISO and White balance were kept fixed in manual mode. After an unsuccessful at stitching in GIMP, the photos were combined using gigapan sticher. Their site shows photos in flash, so easily zoomable. Although my hotel was 900 meters from the Eiffel tower, I couldn't manage to go up in my 7 day visit. After reaching Paris, I caught a bad flu. The American medicines were no match for the artillery of French bacteria. So in the 7 day period, the only real tourism I did was a 2 hour bus ride. (Resting in bed most of the time). These photos were taken while waiting for the Hop-on-Hop-Off bus.
Eiffelova věž (francouzsky La Tour Eiffel /tuʀ ɛfɛl/) je ocelová věž v Paříži, v současnosti nejznámější pařížská dominanta. Byla postavena v letech 1887 až 1889 a až do roku 1931, kdy byla dostavěna Empire State Building, byla s výškou 300,65 m... Číst dál
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