Fotografie Kyjevskopečerská lávra

Golden Onions od Trey Ratcliff

Thanks for all the continued comments! Here are your TOP pics: <a href="">the most Popular Pictures you dig from my stream</a>. Thanks again! This looks nice: <a href=";size=Large">Large on Black</a> This is the Kievo-Pecherskaya Larva in Kiev, Ukraine. It started out as a series of caves and now has grown to a massive complex of monasteries. Unfortunately, it was so cold and windy outside, that I didn't really have the ability to get a lot of shots all around this cave area. Actually, I did have the patience.... but Will was standing around looking quite bitter and cold, so we just moved on to the military war museum from WWII. I'll have pictures from that in coming days/weeks.
Kyjevskopečerská lávra (Шаблон:V jazyce Шаблон:Cizojazyčně, Шаблон:V jazyce Шаблон:Cizojazyčně) je pravoslavný klášterní komplex v ukrajinském Kyjevě. Založen roku 1051 poustevníky Feodosijem a Antonijem. Ve středověku byl významným kulturním centrem... Číst dál
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