Fotografie Kyjevskopečerská lávra

Dormition Cathedral #3 od Strocchi

Built in the 11th century, the main church of the monastery was destroyed during the World War II couple of months after the Nazi Germany troops occupied the city of Kiev and the controversial 1941 Khreshchatyk explosions that destroyed the city's main street. According to the Soviet authorities, the temple was destroyed by the advancing German troops, while at the same time German authorities hanged the blame onto the withdrawing Soviet troops who did practiced the tactics of scorched earth and blew up all the Kiev bridges over Dnieper as well as being accused in the 1941 Khreshchatyk explosions. It should be noted that since 1928 the monastery was converted into a museum park by the Soviet authorities and after its return no efforts were provided to restore the church. The temple was finally restored in 1995 after Ukraine obtained its independence and the construction was accomplished in two years. The new Dormition Church was consecrated in 2000.
Kyjevskopečerská lávra (Шаблон:V jazyce Шаблон:Cizojazyčně, Шаблон:V jazyce Шаблон:Cizojazyčně) je pravoslavný klášterní komplex v ukrajinském Kyjevě. Založen roku 1051 poustevníky Feodosijem a Antonijem. Ve středověku byl významným kulturním centrem... Číst dál
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