Fotografie Mount Hypipamee Crater

Dinner Falls od Matthew Kenwrick

A 10 minute walk from Mt. Hypipamee Crater along a path is Dinner Falls. It's a part of the upper Barron River. Icy cold although that doesn't stop the European Backpackers jumping in for a swim. All of these sights are in the Mount Hypipamee National Park which has a remarkable variety of vegetation types, including high-altitude rainforest, grow in this small park. It is a hot spot for possums with several different species found in the area and a good place for seeing high-altitude birds.
Mount Hypipamee Crater je turistická atrakce, jeden z Jezera v Evelyn, Austrálie . To se nachází: 147 km Mareeba od, 190 km Cairns od, 750 km Townsville od. Číst dál
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